The Pilgrim’s Guidebook to Convocation 2022

Pilgrim’s Guidebook to OSU Convo 2022

Still experiencing the challenge and change of our 6-week virtual Pilgrimage last fall during the 2022 Ursuline Convocation?  Perhaps you are hoping to revisit one of the Stations or tap into the contemplative quiet of one of the virtual retreats.  Rejoice! The website is now an open piazza!  Yes, you can still navigate your way from Angela’s Italy to Mexico by clicking the upper “Pilgrimage 2022” tab, then clicking onto the Station you would like to visit. Yet, watch in the coming months for a streamlined Convocation website, complete with a Table of Contents to facilitate access to its rich resources!  So many resources!

The digital Pilgrim’s Guidebook to the 2022 Pilgrimage is designed to put those riches at your fingertips, whether online here or downloaded to your own desktop!  A convenient Table of Contents allows you to click to each station’s summary and outline, complete with live links not only to the full station recordings, but also to featured sections within each station.  Links to Tours and Piazza highlights are also provided, as well as transcripts and text translations as available.  An Index of Media categorized by subject allows you to draw media from different stations into conversation.  If you are intrigued by one of the stations, or perhaps a site we didn’t even visit on pilgrimage, the Ursuline Website Directory is a gateway to a host of new piazzas!

The OSU Convocation website will continue to provide Piazza space for our North American Ursuline Family and to extend a lively welcome to our Global family and friends.  Check out the Ursuline Education Network [UEN] website, as well, and explore the exciting ways it continues to unfold the 2022 Convocation’s curriculum potential over the next three years.  Meanwhile, Angela Merici Online Resources [AMOR] is already combing through documents from past Convocations and regional colloquiums to share their insights with new generations of Angela’s Family.  The Pilgrim’s Guidebook gives new impetus to our efforts to both expand the resources available through this website and to make them more readily accessible, online or off.  AMOR is diffusive!

Our 2022 North American Ursuline Virtual Convocation was energetically international with participation extending into Central and South America!  Despite technical challenges with translation, we embraced English, French and Spanish (with honorable mention of Italian!).  Sustaining the momentum, the digital agenda of the AMOR engages translation to expand our resources, broaden our perspectives and deepen our bonds, crossing continents with as light a footprint as the Madre herself.

With the close of one Convocation, the next triennium is already on the horizon.  The Year of Grace 2025 will launch the Merician Decade leading us to the 5th Centenary of the Foundation of the Company of St Ursula!  May the Ursuline Half-Millenium benchmark find us gathered in spirit across a global piazza, creatively diverse and whole-heartedly insieme, with St Angela Merici ever in our midst!